The Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement (CBFA) had two fundamental goals: (1) to protect Canada's boreal forest from hazardous logging practices; and (2) to boost and protect the repute of Canada's forest sector and businesses. But the CBFA's tough plans ignored the primary challenges associated with the deal's enactment.
A few years subsequent to its signing, the agreement experience from the drawback of one signatory, a serious dearth of capital and major hurdles at the regional working group grade. The CBFA's secretariat must develop a plan of action to realize the complete potential of the agreement but face numerous issues in terms of execution: (1) the CBFA's ejection of First Nations communities; (2) funding problems; (3) disagreement at the local regional levels and among some signatories; (4) slow speed of finishing and (5) small real signs of success thus far.
PUBLICATION DATE: December 03, 2013 PRODUCT #: W13515-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE