In June 2003, Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology today announced an unprecedented partnership to create Biomedical Institute, Broad Institute. Wide culture focused on science and those involved believe that it will be on the verge of a scientific frontier. In just four years, Broad made many important scientific contributions in the bio-medical field. These include the understanding of the genetic changes in cancer, the construction consortium RNAi, to better understand the role of each gene in the human body, an integrated database, which shows the relationship between drugs, genes and diseases, and cataloging of inherited genetic variation in type 2 diabetes. Opportunities for additional important scientific achievements beckoned, but will require funding and physical space. Broad Institute leaders, including Altshuler, director of the program in Medical and Population Genetics, and Golub, director of cancer programs, you must decide how big was too big. How many projects have broad support could productively? What happened when a large outgrown its physical space? Altschuler and Blue knew that the general had made tremendous strides in the past year. This has been minimized barriers and attracts many young scientists who viewed widely as an exciting place to do research. This success has made the issue of how to balance the priorities of development and preservation of culture, who did their best, all the more important. "Hide
by Vicki L. Sato, Rachel Gordon Source: Harvard Business School 32 pages. Publication Date: Mar 05, 2008. Prod. #: 608114-PDF-ENG