Telecommunications Act of 1996 Case Solution
This case is about a legislation. It contains excerpts from the relections of the former Chairman of FCC, Reed Hundt, who talks of the implementation and the passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The act was meant to stimulate innovation and competition in the telecommunications sector. Its provisions were of great value to business participants and to society.This note provides background on the historical battle between monopoly local phone companies and long-distance carriers, a description of the inner workings of the FCC and the political pressures facing the commission, a description of essential provisions of the act, an evaluation of how well the act has fulfilled its goals, and Hundt's reflections on the challenges a regulator faces in seeking a balance between private interests and public duty.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about GLOBAL BUSINESS
PUBLICATION DATE: January 29, 2002 PRODUCT #: 802144-PDF-ENG