November 17, 2004, how to teach to (TPA) of the U.S. National Council meeting closed, the chief operating officer Jerry Houser is considered an opportunity for the organization. The Council has just given go ahead to move forward with the development of a new strategic plan for 2005 to 2010. Aspirations were ambitious, and if they have succeeded in achieving the goals set in the plan, TFA would take its place among the most enduring institutions. Hauser knew that the key to success in terms of the transformation to ensure that the organization had the right strategy and the ability to perform effectively. As he looked to the future, he reflected on the opportunities and challenges faced by the TFA in the first 15 years to identify the lessons that can be useful for its next phase of growth.
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by Stacey Childress Source: Harvard Business School 30 pages. Publication Date: Mar 02, 2005. Prod. #: 805094-PDF-ENG