This case gives an example of the function of performance measurement and analytics in translating TD-Canada Trust's service model of "comfortable banking" into operational terms. In the year 2000, in the banking industry where consumers and regulators were normally hostile to mergers and acquisitions, Canada's fifth largest commercial bank Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) undertook a merger with a relatively modest trust company, Canada Trust, which was known for incredible customer service. in order to voice out the concerns of regulators, consumer groups, and recently acquired customers, TD Bank made several public pronouncements vowing to keep Canada Trust's high customer service standards and to provide a "safe banking" encounter.
Chris Armstrong, the chief marketing officer and executive vice president, faced an issue of defining the banking model that was cozy and presenting on these confidences. Armstrong and his team undertook a methodical investigation of the drivers of customer satisfaction and division network profitability and, based on the results, must discover the best way to alter TD-Canada Trust's division damages and performance reporting systems consistently, and profitably, deliver a "comfortable banking" encounter.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE