This case describes the city health conference room, which was derailed by vocal protesters. The case was designed for very specific learning objectives: to discuss various alternatives to the tried and true town hall meeting format, which the authors of the professor not only highly vulnerable to violations, but it is not terribly effective or democratic public involvement in local decision-making to start with . The basis of the event is the belief that those who organize social obligations should be aware of: 1) the purpose of a public meeting: that a public meeting aims to make 2) the strategy of recruiting participants: those involved 3) organization of discussions and decision making 4) the extent to which the findings the meeting will be to influence policy or public action case itself provides a starting point for lively conversation, describing how a humble meeting in Tampa on local health care has been captured by the enemy of the national health care reform. Matter as well as the context, the background of the decision of the Democrats in 2009 to sponsor healthcare town hall meetings across the country in order to increase public support for health care reform, the efforts that have been subverted, when the meeting was the target of a large, vocal, anti-health reform protests . HKS Case Number 1939.0 "Hide
by Pamela Varley, Archon Fung Source: Harvard Kennedy School of 8 pages. Publication Date: May 10, 2011. Prod. #: HKS676-PDF-ENG