A pupil-founded, student-led nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Hondurans escape from the cycle of poverty achieved this by employing college students in its endeavors from start to finish. It ran with a yearly budget. By the summer of 2008, it had three full time employees living in Honduras and an ambitious business plan to enlarge its faculty chapters, raise its student-volunteer visits and summer service-learning internships, continue its three existing projects, and begin three new ones.
Progress was impeded by limited resources - money and people. Having given cash to the organization already to partly finance its operating costs for 2008-09, the foundation believed it had served its purpose and its backing was over. Faced with this financial reality, team leaders questioned the future of the organization and the best way to carry on.
Students Helping Honduras case study solution
PUBLICATION DATE: September 19, 2008 PRODUCT #: UV1185-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about INNOVATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP