STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


  • “Strategic Management is 90 percent execution and 10 percent formulation”. Discuss with relevant examples.

With the fast moving technology and continuous changing business markets, the essence of strategy and strategic management for the business have become vital to sustain the business in the market. Indoing so, businesses are evolving to establish the sustainable base for the organization by developing certain competency level leading to the maintenance of competitive edge and competitive advantage in the market. All these functions and operations require certain strategy to be developed at first and then executed in order to achieve the final results. The good strategy development entails the effective synchronization with the internal and external factors that helps the organization in developing a more precise strategy execution.However, a bad strategy outlines the detailed development of the strategy set with poor execution planning.

The main difference that differentiates the good strategy with the bad is the level of execution that strategy exerts on the organization.Talking about strategy, the strategy outlines and designs the overall structure of organization, its functions, its operations, human resources and the overall planning, thus takes the form of strategic management in the organization.

Perhaps, the company strategy is the core attribute for the business to develop the comparative advantage in the market. Managing and planning the right moves in order to achieve the goals and objectives on time, leading to more effective strategy making and implementation.

Strategic Management Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Since strategy is all about planning and action setting, it frames the strategic management process in the organization, which again designs the strategy formulation, implementation, monitoring and scanning, to ensure the efficiency and effective attainment of the goal and objectives.( Neilson, Martin, & Powers, 2008)

The aim of the strategy development and strategic management is to develop the certain guidelines and direction for the business, incorporating the strength to tap opportunities and addressing the weakness to secure the organization from the threats. In doing so, the strategic management allows the organization to develop certain chain of command, a vision, and the directions to achieve the end goals, while also develops the parameter to achieve the end goals with firm control over the end results. The sub parts of the strategic management cover the different aspect of the organizational roles.

Strategy Formulation or Execution

In the last few decades it has been reinforced by the leaders and the managers in the organization that having strategy and the right execution with effective results/outcomes is the core of the business sustainability.Many business researches, and business leaders argues, that having the strategy is not enough for the organization, in fact developing the flashy strategies and taglines does not help the organizations in developing the right implementation plans for the organization and hence results in failing results and ineffective handling of the overall organizational functions.

This is usually because of the misconception and inadequate understanding of the two firm yet distinct portion of the strategic management i.e. stray and execution.Many business leaders associate strategy with the execution, hence leading to the development of wrong perspective and hence declinations of responsibilities. Such incidents lead to the development of Lofty and loose strategies with failing execution.For example: our strategy is to increase the customer value” or “our strategy is to become the market leaders or giants in market”. Hence strategy formation is alienated from strategy execution. (Sull, Homkes, & Sull, 2015)

Now since the distinction between Strategy formation and strategy execution has been developed, it is important to undermine the essence of each factor and to prioritize each factor according to the role it plays in the organization.Since strategic management is the course of action in which organizations underline the steps and set the objectives to achieve the creation goal, by incorporating the industry forces, and internal external alignment, it focusses on the right execution of the strategy to achieve the competitive advantage in the market.Hence the more weight age is offered to the strategy execution than the strategy development. (Martin, 2010)

Why Strategy Execution is more important?

Though the strategy formulation and strategy execution are the two sides of the same coin, and works best when partnered in effective way. This means a business cannot achieve good execution without a good strategy and a good strategy cannot be termed as good without effective execution. Perhaps, a successful business is termed as the one with effective execution that incorporates the right alignment of resources and human functions to achieve the end goals. Also, since the execution phase outlines the real face and situation of the business and deals with the actual present threats and risks the business faces, it points outs more effective ways and the real business markets to the organizations and hence establishes more importance as compared to strategy formation.

Moreover, in contrast to strategy execution, the stray formation only outlines the steps and actions that can be taken to pursue certain direction for business, based on past data, researches and market tactics, however, the execution rightly fits the organization with the external markets and offers an agile solution that can help managers and leaders to strategize he next move more accurately...............

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