Firms in high-tech industries often face dangers and opportunities associated with strategic inflection points in their development trajectory. Strategic inflection point (CIP) due to changes in the fundamental dynamics of the industry, winning strategies, and the dominant technology. CIP generate strategic dissonance in the organization because they are associated with the differences between competitive and distinctive competencies of the company and between the strategic intent of senior management and strategic actions. Top management can use the information to develop new strategic dissonance strategic intent and lead the organization through the turbulence and uncertainties associated with the SIP. This requires the ability to strategic recognition from the top and senior managers. Strategic recognition, in turn, contributes to the internal environment of choice, which allocates resources on the basis of competitive reality and value of dissent and debate. Strategic recognition is the basis for policy guidance. Encouraging discussion and debate to bring to a conclusion that rebuilds competitive and distinctive competencies "Hide
by Robert A. Burgelman, Andrew S. Grove Source: California Management Review 23 pages. Publication Date: January 1, 1996. Prod. #: CMR057-PDF-ENG