Store 24 Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Store 24 Case Solution 


The effectiveness of the Ban Boredom is analyzed by the Balance Score card’s results and a regression analysis. First of all, the results of the balance score card are summarized in the Appendix 1, based on the market survey conducted through the customers. The overall rating assigned to the stores by 30 customers, showed an average rating of 6.69. The customers gave a higher rating to the staff’s friendliness and the store’s cleanliness and neatness. The store was not considered much entertaining as the rating assigned is 5.44. The balance score card’s results clearly show that the customers were unable to differentiate the store from its competitors.

Moreover, a regression analysis is performed to study the effect of different variables, including:the scores assigned to CYJCW strategy, Ban boredom score, manager skills, crew skills, per capita income, population and a number of competitors on the future controllable contribution. The regression analysis (See Appendix 2), reveals that the crew’s skills significantly increase the future controllable contribution at the store, as the t-value of 5.98 is greater than t-value of 1.96 at 5% confidence level.  The manager’s skills, per capita income, boredom score and population do last significant impact over the future contribution. The regression results show that the adoption of Ban Boredom and CYJCW strategy do not have a  significant impact over the creation of the future controllable contribution and the creation of differentiating point in order to remain competitive in the industry.

Conclusion &Recommendation

As the Store 24’s management needed to decide about either continuing the Ban Boredom strategy or abandoning it; it is suggested that the management should abandon the Ban Boredom strategy as the analysis performed through balance score card’s results as well as the regression analysis show that the strategy does not have a significant impact over creating a differentiation point among the customers. Rather, the store should focus on increasing the service levels and good production selection. Moreover, as the regression results in the crew skills affecting the future contributions significantly, so the management should focus on increasing the crew’s skills, which could increase the customer’s satisfaction levels. Lastly, in order to build a differentiation point;the store should adopt a new strategy by studying the customers’ preferences and tastes over the time.......................

Store 24 Case Solution

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