Start a Fire Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Start a Fire Case Study Analysis

Market Analysis

Customer Market Research

The current customer market of the platform can be seen by its offerings. Start a fire’s founders know the needs and want of the visitors so that they introduced as well as experimented with several options. Another channel that empowered Start a Fire to comprehend its users' needs meticulously, was called Intercom. Intercomallowedusers to demand highlights and to speak with Start a Fire legitimately, through visiting inside the item.The new techniques that founders are using,are also according to the market research and visitor’s wants.

Buying Behaviors

The buying behavior of the visitors gives positive feedback overall. The TOMODO services of the company generated 5000 different visitors, and it also raised the interest of investors. Another popular product of the company among the visitors is WidgiFire,as it allows firms to sellHTML-embedded widgets.After the launch of WidgiFire on TOMODO site,about a hundred firmsinitiatedits usageevery week and the retention was100 percent.

Marketing Strategies

Start a Fire targeted web developers and other interest sites. It chose to focus over supporting the bigger brands, since these brands were persuasive in the market, had more noteworthy quantities of adherents and they also had higher showcasing consumptions that investigation could help streamline. The promoting technique of the organization incorporates customer center, innovative work, services and products, and adaptation, experiments to deal with item advancement and joining apparition catches on its site. These procedures demonstrated to be particularly valuable as the organization organized reconciliation with different showcasing stages.

Value offerings

The service offerings of the company include:TOMODO:, WidgiFire on TOMODO, sponsored events to create awareness and interest of people, signup opportunity to click on the button, allowing brands to accumulate analytics from earned media and many others. These offerings created value not just for the users but also for the company.


As the company is facing a serious issue regarding its financial position, Start a Fire needs to catch various other investors as the company has many strengths that can attract new investors. However, the new funding procedure will take time, but it is the best option as the founders also have the pressure of stakeholders.Revenue from TOMODO is also a fundraising platform........................


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