In 1993, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued two statements - No. 116: Accounting for contributions received and contributions and the number 117: financial statements not-for-profit organizations. These statements require substantial changes in financial statements issued for non-profit organizations. This case discusses the changes in the context of Stanford University, a private, not-for-profit educational institution. Discussed the financial statements to FAS 116 and 117, FAS 116 goals and 117, and their implementation Stanford. Prepares students for a discussion of non-profit financial reporting, fund accounting, donor-imposed restrictions, the various stakeholders, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of financial statements prepared in accordance with the provisions of FAS 116 and 117. "Hide
by Christopher Canellos, David W. Hoyt Source: Stanford Graduate School of Business 42 pages. Publication Date: February 20, 2002. Prod. #: A184-PDF-ENG