Firms often bring in what they used and considered in yesteryear when they invest in the dynamic market of China, where environmental conditions that are shifting frequently leave present beliefs and practices irrelevant. Over generalizing from past scenarios could become a source of corporate rigidity, which ends in the inability to anticipate the rapid changes that need evolution in market orientation, products, and its established systems of a business.
Rigidities that are corporate must be beat by companies if they are to react in a timely manner to the huge opportunities in China. In our research, we identified four different corporate rigidities- HRM rigidity, rigidity that was tactical, working rigidity, and mindset rigidity - to help supervisors identify and evaluate the impact of rigidity on their China companies. We provide four practical strategies for conquering the four types of corporate rigidities.
sOvercoming Corporate Rigidities in the Dynamic Chinese Market case study solution
PUBLICATION DATE: November 27, 2008 PRODUCT #: 908B11-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about FINANCE & ACCOUNTING