In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, the not-for-profit sector in Ontario was made to change from a provider of societal needs to some creator of societal opportunities for communities doubly hit by rising unemployment and decreasing social supports. The Ontario Trillium Foundation decided to fund innovative, collaborative systems involving not-for-profit organizations, companies and authorities in creating workable social enterprises.
Ottawa, London and Sarnia were three communities faced with variant, but still challenging economic times, by proposing alternative models of social transition,and each had responded to the disaster. With the Richard Ivey School of Business, representatives from your not for profit sector in these types of cities joined in 2013 to present a suggestion that guaranteed they learn from each other would work collaboratively, document the whole process and develop tools to prepare and guide many others. Would the Trillium Foundation support this kind of creative and challenging undertaking?
Social Enterprise for Sustainable Communities Ontario, Canada case solution
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE