IMD-5-0707 © 2006
Walsh, John; Ogunsulire, Mope
In approximately every region of the world; more than 20% of people smoke. The health hazards of cigarettes are many and severe. Recently; most developed states have introduced laws to limit where smokers can light up. These laws might encourage smokers to consume less or to leave entirely. Sweden stands out among peer states as its smoking population is just 18% of all adults. Hence; it has low level rates of the smoking-related sickness and demise. The Swedes devour as much nicotine as in another place; nonetheless; because many of them use snus was called by a conventional smokeless tobacco product. Smokers may reduce the damage they cause themselves by have fewer cigarettes; and more snus.
The predicament for tobacco companies is whether they should introduce snus in markets. And; if so; should they advertise it as a compliment to cigarettes; where smoking is banned to be have; or as a replacement to smokes; with the intention of the smokers quitting cigarettes in total? The sale of the snus is disqualified in the EU (except in Sweden) but legal in other nations like the US and Japan. The case explores the co-dependence of advertising in the private sector and public policy; and the motivators; reactions and actions of the other must be taken by each side into account.
Snus No Smoke Without Fire case study solution
Subjects: Tobacco; Snus; Snuff; Public health; Regulation; Marketing; Branding
Settings: Global; EU; Tobacco; 2006