Snowden Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Team Dynamics:

Team dynamics are oblivious; however, mental compels that its impact head to the group's behavior and execution. They are similar to undercurrents in the ocean, which can convey pontoons in an alternate direction to the one they propose to cruise. Group dynamics is made through cooperation, which identities their working associations with other individuals inside the group, and nature's turf in which the group meets expectations.

Group dynamics may be great for instance, when they enhance general group execution or get the best out of individual allies. They can likewise be awful for example, when they cause ineffective clash, demotivation, and keep the group from accomplishing its objectives.

Team dynamics and its impact on performance:

Team dynamics is the most essential part of any working individual. Many of the researches have shown that polishing different expertise of the group members resulted in the creation of high-performing teams. In addition to that, they can have a huge impact on different variables of the company and individuals as well.

Team dynamics does have an impact on the profitability of an organization. Moreover, it helps in determining whether employees are enjoying their work or not. Further, it helps the company to increase the staff retention rates and also helps the organization to boost the individual and team performance as well. It helps the company to build a strong company reputation and other factors too.

Despite their positive impacts on individuals and organizations, team dynamics is often ignored and neglected. This ignorance can have a severe negative impact on the overall performance of the team.

Tips for leaders to improve team dynamics and team performance:

Creating a high quality environment:

It is very essential for leaders and managers to emphasize on the importance of respect and dignity in the workplace. There should be a culture that promotes the value, respect and dignity for every individual within the organization. Furthermore, it has been observed many times that employees and team members often create an unconstructive environment with their attitudes and actions. It is the prime responsibility of a leader to observe the communication style of the team members with each other that includes their body language, tone of voice and language as well.

Make your employees motivated:

Leaders need to understand that motivation is the key to success and is vital for achieving team dynamics. Leaders need to talk to their followers and find out the stuff that inspired them the most. According to the article by McKinsey “motivating people: getting beyond money," therefore; managers need to find what motivate employees for the positive output other than money. In addition to that, leaders should enhance intensity of motivation in a way that promotes the team members to make best use of their strengths and enhance the productivity of the company. At times, non-monetary rewards are so motivating and it is as easy as giving employees’ appreciation and recognition in front of their peers.

Position goals and objectives for team:

Set key necessities for the group. Additionally, this is a path for the one to lead the group and to strive for something on their own. When setting objectives, it is important for leaders to make them achievable for all the members of the team. On the off chance that you have one major goal, separate it and set objectives that could be accomplished in a shorter time of time as opposed to months from now. Attaining the more diminutive objectives makes it less demanding for the group and gets them inspired to proceed towards the general objective. In addition to that, consider setting a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) that is a significant activity to move in the direction of. This ought to be notwithstanding your reachable objectives so that there's a feeling of accomplishment and advancement.

Give admiration to the employees:

It is often important to admire employees for their work as employees often like to know about the direction o their work. It is the responsibility of a leader to make them feel that they are valued, and leader himself is analyzing and appreciating their work. Simple thanks can be a big source of motivation and a source of admiration for employees. Researchers have shown that employees like to contribute more to the organization when they find that their work is acknowledged and appreciated............................

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