Sloan and Harrison Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

As per the calculations done in a spreadsheet, averages of the variables have been taken to identify the overall average scores of each of the variables. The average workload in the Washington office is found to be 3.80 that is lesser than the average workload of the Atlanta office i.e. 4.03. The second variable used in the study includes intention to quit with an average of 2.01 in the Washington office and 2.30 in the Atlanta office that is again higher than the Washington office. Further, the third variable in the study includes work-life conflict with an average score of 2.59 in the Washington office and 3.05 in the Atlanta office. Next variable used in the survey was organizational commitment and its average score in the Washington and Atlanta offices were 3.44 and 3.16 respectively. The next variable used in the study includes the burnout with an average score of 2.26 and 2.55 in the Washington and Atlanta office. The last variable was perceived organizational support in which the average score was found to be 3.18 in the Washington office and 2.89 in the Atlanta office.

Statistical Analysis:

To further elaborate the survey and the variables used in the questionnaire, regression analysis has been done to find out whether there is any relationship among age, sex and marital status of the associates with the variables used in the study. Y-variables chosen in the analysis were age, sex and marital status while X-variables used in the analysis were work-load, intention to quit, work-life conflict, organizational commitment, perceived burnout and perceived organizational support.

Washington Office:

R-square in regression analysis measure how much the data is relating and near to the regression line that determines the co-efficient of determination. R-square should be near to 100% as 0% R-square shows no interdependency among the variables used in the study. First sheet used in spreadsheet data is related to the Washington office while second sheet detailed the data about the Atlanta office. In the Washington office, R-square between sex and other variables used in the study is found to be 0.06 that is less and shows no link between the variables. It proves that age has no connection with the variables used in the study like work-load, intention to quit, and others. In addition to that, significance-F checks the reliability of the study and should be less than 0.05. P-value should also be less than 0.05. P-value and F-value calculated in the analysis are found to be more than 0.05; thus it shows no relationship among the variables. However, there is an inevitable link between sex with work-load and work-life conflict within the associates.

R-square between age and other variables used in the study was found to be 0.03 that shows no relationship between the variables used in the study. Significance level and P-values are greater than 0.05; thus it shows that age of the associates does not affect the performance of the associates. R-square between marital status and variables used in the study is found to be 0.008 that is less than 1% and can be said that the result is near or equal to 0%. Further, no such connection or interdependence is found as the significance is greater than 0.05 and p-values are higher too.

Atlanta Office:

Survey has been done in the Atlanta office too to find out the effectiveness of the program and to find out the difference in the level of performance in the two offices. R-square between sex and other variable that has been used in the study is found to be 4% while it should be near to 100%; thus it shows a little interdependency level between the X and Y variables. The significance level is found to be 0.233, which is much higher as it should not be more than 0.05. There is a little significance that is found between the sex and perceived burnout within the associates.

R-square between age and the rest of the variables is found to be 0.03 that is again not very high and remarkable as well. Significance level among the variables is found to be 0.37 while it should be less than 0.05..................................

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