Silvio Napoli at Schindler India (A) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Silvio Napoli at Schindler India (A) Case Solution

1.Silvio as a Manager:

Although Silvio was a good manager because he had high qualification and the required leadership qualities but the main elements which he lacked as a General Manager as well as the right choice for Indian operation are as follows:

  1. Silvio did not have any experience in Asia but in Europe, which led him to have difficulties under his management.
  2. He had no support in India.
  3. He mainly focused on cost minimization but did not concentrate on the customer service.
  4. He did not have any experience on how to make strategies according to India’s rules and regulations.
  5. H did not have any-contingency plan for the
  6. He initiated multiple tasks at a time, for example: he initially opened two offices, one in Mumbai and another in New Delhi, which made it difficult for him to run both the offices at the same time.

2.Evaluation of Silvio’s Performance

However, Silvio’s performance was quite good initially, because he was new in India and had tried his best to make the business successful but he was unaware of the Indian policies and laws,as he only had the awareness of the European policies, which made him face difficulties in being a manager. The appraisal for his business performance was average in the initial seven months.

2.1 Advice to Silvio

The main factors where Silvio should have focused and must have known is the PEST of India, because India is a cosmopolitan country where different cultures are found and he should have studied the market ambiguity of the country, which is quite different than that of  Europe.

3. Suggestions

Silvio must remake the strategies for the business again because it has been 8 months and not a single elevator is sold. Following are the steps he can take:

  1. He should stop the orders of elevators from Europe and should request for the urgent support from headquarter.
  2. He must renew the strategy according to India and should focus on the customer service.
  3. He must understand the culture and technological grounds of India.

4.  Recommendations

There are certain things which have gone wrong in India and they are required to be fixed for the business operations:

  1. There were high tariffs and import duties which must be fixed and duty relief should be given.
  2. Other industries were given more benefits, such as: tourism and hotel industry as compared to the elevators’ industry.
  3. Indian customers need more satisfaction and more facilities as compared to European customers.
  4. There are different cultures found in India and they have different attributes.
  5. There is high competition as well as high market ambiguity in India.......................
  6. Silvio Napoli at Schindler India (A) Case Solution

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