In 1939, at age 26, Lew Wasserman arrived in Los Angeles with a talent agency MCA. Over the next three decades, he took the MCA from a peripheral player becomes dominant studio in Hollywood. As an outsider could change the competitive landscape of the industry of cinema is so? The study of this fascinating historical account shows the process by which a company can achieve "architectural advantage." Managers may be familiar with the idea that "shocks" caused by technological and regulatory changes could cause the emergence of new industry structures. Wasserman matter shows that there is more to it than that. Innovative business model, by itself, is not sufficient. Rather, the acquisition of mispriced resources newcomers and incumbents (in) actions are also critical for newcomers to enter the industry, redraw its borders and achieve architectural advantage. Are there opportunities for your company to position itself in the market segments that would put him in a dominant position? Wasserman experience in the business of Film and Television, as well as other timely examples from music and publishing, provide useful information for managers working in industries with unstable contested architecture, entrepreneurial firms are trying to develop the architectural advantages in new industries, as well as venture capitalists trying to identify investment opportunities. "Hide
by Fabrizio Ferraro Source: IESE-Insight Magazine 8 pages. Publication Date: March 15, 2010. Prod. #: IIR021-PDF-ENG