Shanshan Enterprise: Reform Pioneer of Chinas Garment Industry Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

In 1989, the first company to launch commercials for clothing in China, Shanshan Enterprise, caught the attention of the public - and it remained in the spotlight ever since. Such attention was not only the result of the leading garment industry in China, but more a result of the many amazing moves that have caused heated debate. Highlights of these discussions and the garment industry in China. Allows you to discuss the future of the fashion industry in China, brand management and multi-brand strategy, distribution strategy and diversification strategy. An example of how the Chinese private company starts business, the problems faced by Chinese apparel companies how to manage the brand and distribution channels, and how to gain a new point and holding diversification. "Hide
by Yigang Pan, Zhou Zemin Source: University of Hong Kong, 21 pages. Publication Date: January 12, 2005. Prod. #: HKU354-PDF-ENG

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