Two things that emerging markets lack - access to financing and a loan - it is the two main factors are seen as key factors in economic growth. However, for banks, the lack of access to financial services and money transfer services in these markets is a huge opportunity for business, especially in low-income segment of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This article examines three promising new business models: scale, in which existing local non-banks are banks, later, with the result that the infrastructure of traditional banks adapted to serve new segments and new bank, which involves the creation of an entirely new microfinance institutions. All require willingness to adapt to a completely different type of customer, and taking an innovative, proactive approach to risk assessment and efficacy. For companies in other sectors, are seeking to expand in emerging markets, these three business models can serve as a guide. Using the lessons learned from the banking sector, the authors call for all companies to see returns in emerging markets with new eyes: the study of social diversity in depth; forge local alliances, and to use new technology to compensate for structural weaknesses and inefficiencies «Hide.
Up to Francesc, Xavier Santoma Source: IESE-Insight Magazine 5 pages. Publication Date: September 15, 2011. Prod. #: IIR057-PDF-ENG