IMD-3-1460 © 2005
Schwass; Joachim; Everatt; Donna
Disputes in between the equity capital fund that had actually acquired Scott USA and senior supervisors who continued to be devoted to the business creator and previous Chairman; Tom Stendahl continued. The fund divests frequent departments of the business; consisting of Scott brand name. A management buy-out takes place; with Stendahl and 25 of his senior supervisors having an equity stake in the business.
Within 3 years; all financial obligation was paid back and the business had actually increased from near demolition to end up being a powerful enemy in the gradually more competitive worldwide sporting items market. Stendahl continued to be as a tactical consultant to the business and shares some essential lessons.
Subjects: Entrepreneurship; Leadership; Entrepreneurial Finance; Venture capital; Human resource management
Settings: Europe; Switzerland; Sporting goods; Medium-sized; 2004