Saudi health system performance  Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Saudi health system performance  Case Solution

Action Plan


To create an action plan to protect patients from unsafe medical care.


To-achieve the maximum decrease in preventable harm due to unsafe medical care world-wide.


Action Steps Responsibilities When to Start Duration Resources
Design policies to prevent patient harm. ·         Governments

·         Regulatory Bodies

·         Health Ministries

·         Hospital Management

By the end of 2020 5-6 months Previous policy draft.

Written agreement from the regulatory body and government for any new policy being implemented.

Build health systems with great reliability that shields patients from harm. ·         Hospital Management

·         Hospitals Tech Department

By the mid of 2021 4-5 Months Strong tech support.
Guarantee the safety of every clinical process to protect from medical harm. ·         Doctors

·         Nurses

·         Quality Managers

Immediate action is required 1 day  


Ensure safety of medical devices. ·         Nurses

·         Quality Managers

Immediate action is required 1 day Tester to check medical devices

ISO 13485 standard

Ensure safety of medicines. ·         Pharmacy As soon as possible 1-2 weeks
Ensure safety of blood bags and sample. ·         Laboratory Technicians

·         Pharmacy

·         Nurses

Immediate action is required 1-2 weeks
Ensure safety of critical vaccines. ·         Pharmacy

·         Store Incharge

·         Nurses

Immediate action is required 1-2 weeks
Implement patientsafety programs in important clinical areas. ·         Hospital management By the start of new year. i.e. at the start of 2021 4-5 months
Health care workers should be taught with training and skills. ·         Hospital Management


As soon as possible 2-3 months Trainer (Expert in medical care)
Partnerships / Stakeholders engagement. ·         Hospital Management

·         Stakeholders

By the mid of 2021 4-5 months

Benefits of Action Plan

All of the major risks mentioned earlier in this report,are preventable by putting a little effort and following the medical procedures guideline properly.This action plan demands the implementation of secure medical procedure and policies. Hospitals need to make sure that all the safety guidelines are being followed.By following this action plan level of harm that the patients get annually due to unsafe medical care, will be reduced. Safety of blood, medicines, critical vaccines etc. all are needed to protect the patients from any sort of infection, due to an unsafe medical care. This action plan highlights the need of designing a policy that every hospital should follow in order to protect their patients from the medical harm. This action plan will reduce the burden, caused by unsafe or poor medical care globally.

ISO Standard for Medical Device Safety

A product, machine, instrument etc. that is used for diagnosis of diseases, treatment of diseases or prevention from diseases etc. is called a medical device. ISO 13485 is a standard that the hospitals should adopt for protecting the medical devices. This standard will make sure that the hospitals are following the safety guidelines for medical devices. Regulatory requirements are strict throughout a product’s life cycle. This includes service and delivery. This standard, ISO 13485 (ISO)is intended to be utilized by the organizations involved within the design, production, and installation as well as the servicing of the medical devices and related services. It may be utilized by internal and external parties, like: certification bodies, to assist them with their auditing processes. Like other ISO management system standards, certification to ISO 13485 isn't a requirement of the quality, and the organizations can reap many benefits from implementing the quality without undergoing the certification process. However, third-party certification can demonstrate to regulators that you just have met the necessities of the quality. ISO doesn't perform certification........................

Saudi health system performance Case Solution

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