Rolex Online Store Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Rolex Online Store Case Study Solution

Strategies to connect online stores with brick-and-mortar stores.

Nowadays, the online shopping has become more popular than the brick and mortar stores. Due to the popularity of the online shopping, now customers avoid to visits its physical store. The company can link the online store to its brick and mortars store through integrate the online stores with its physical stores by posting the prints, the logos and pan flex of the online stores in its brick and mortar stores.Moreover, the company can integrate the real store in social media, by posting the pictures and video of its brick and mortars store in the company websites and by encouraging customers, to post the reviews about the company brick and mortars stores in various websites so promote both sides on selling channels of the company. Furthermore, by

Making other networks with other corporate, by doing partnerships with other business and promotes each other products, by offering various deals and schemes and, the company can participate in different community events such as, charity. That helps business to recognize among different people.(ecommerce platform, 2016)

Maintenance of the exclusivity of the online stores

Rolex, from the time when it was established has created the brand equity among the customers. The company sells their watches through specific delivery networks which distinguish the company’s product with their competitors and the customer perceive it as the brand. The company maintain its exclusivity by using high quality material such as, the oyster steel, gold and many more. The company has to maintain the quality of the product that they sell in their online store, by including different retailers in the networks the company can deliver the same quality product to the customers, who buys from the online store, moreover the same manufacturer can be hired to maintain the exclusivity of the various product at online stores. In this way the company can gain the loyalty of the online store customer and can continue the manufacturing product with same quality, moreover the company can make different contracts such as brand endorsement to motivate the clients to buy the best quality watches from the company. Moreover, the company can sell limited stock to maintain the standard of the watches, so as, the customer perceive the significance if the product and through this company can maintain the worth of its watches.


In conclusion Rolex has creating the brand equity among its clients and, can be considered as the innovative by its product. The company has created its distinctive value among its customer by introducing different designed products. Rolex has promoting its product through exclusive marketing strategies which includes, the brand ambassadors that is comprises of endorsement of various inspiring people, through these strategies the company is able to bring trust among various customers, and encourage them to buy the exclusive products of the company. Moreover by sponsoring of various events, the company has gained popularity. Besides, the company should expand their business by providing the same quality of service in their online store in order to gain the highest share in the market,which can be possible by implementing various strategies as discussed above in different parts.For expansion of the industry Rolex should target the youngsters towards their products moreover, the company should encourage the young generation to purchase their products. In this way they can promote their online stores among their potential customers. Rolex is a leading watch company, due to its various marketing strategies, the company has created the excellent reputation among its customer. The company has to adopt the psychological marketing strategies that create the good quality of the lifestyle of the people. The company can expand in the near future by highlighting the innovative products in online stores and, targeting the specific group of the customers which would help it to create the potential clients for the company.


Appendix-1:Rolex exclusive watches at online stores


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