Roger Caracappa: Package Deals for the Estee Lauder Companies Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Roger Caracappa must negotiate savings, innovative proposals from potential French supplier who can push otherwise satisfactory, long-acting supplier. Shortly after being appointed Executive Vice President Estee Lauder company with global packaging as a key responsibility, Caracappa was to evaluate a recent proposal he received form a small French company that patented the innovative packaging. Innovation could save the Estee Lauder Companies around $ 4-5 million per year if Caracappa defended him, made a deal to use it, and if it was taken by key brands Lauder. If the new pack functioned as promised, the consumer does not perceive any change in the high-quality, stylish packaging, which is important for a luxury brand image of the company. But if the new packaging caused the production, delivery or quality problems, expected savings will be quickly forgotten and Caracappa will bear a heavy responsibility for a problem and the violation of otherwise satisfactory relationship with long-acting supplier. "Hide
by James K. Sebenius Source: video add 24 minutes. Publication Date: January 30, 2012. Prod. #: 912701-VID-ENG

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