In the late 1980s, then as New York took care of thousands of abused and neglected children were unplanned change. The impetus for change came from the crisis: the explosive growth of the number of children in need of care. Between 1986 and 1990, the number of children in foster health of almost three times, a tragic consequence crack epidemic plaguing the city. The sharp increase in demand for care overwhelmed the traditional sources of the placement in foster families. Under pressure to find a home quickly, officials turned to the recently, the city-run program – known as kinship care foster – to help meet the need. Kinship foster care was originally intended to be a relatively modest program. But due to the crisis, the program grew rapidly, transforming the city agency responsible for the education of acquired and warden services in the nation’s largest direct supplier foster families. This case is a chronicle of this period of change and expansion for Kinship Foster Care and focuses on the management, the administration of childhood Commissioner Robert Little. It must be paired with HKS82 (Epilogue). HKS Case Number 1203.0. “Hide
by Esther Scott, David Eddy Spicer Source: Harvard Kennedy School 13 pages. Publication Date: January 1, 1993. Prod. #: HKS831-PDF-ENG
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