Roaring Dragon Hotel (RDH), Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs), was under pressure to become profit generating a 5-star hotel in the continuing development of the Chinese market economy. As with many state-owned enterprises, RDH was bloated, full of archaic practices, internal clicks, haphazard production systems and dysfunctional system of motivation is not related to performance. During the upgrade, the number of human resources management problems became more obvious solution to these problems has become a priority. In 2000, the provincial government of RDH and interested parties made their first attempt to modernize the hotel and hire world-famous company for modernization. Catastrophic results caused the provincial government and stakeholders to faint, momentum and motivation to six years. The new owner of the company and the board of RDH restore enough confidence to try to upgrade a second time. They contract premium amenities (PHS) to conduct a second attempt to improve operations. PHS found the quality of the older employees, an increase in turnover of new staff and the policy out of the ongoing development of the Chinese economy is now a problem never encountered before at RDH. How could the parties concerned to resolve these problems, and RDH appear as an internationally recognized five-star hotel commercially viable? "Hide
by Steven Grainger Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 6 pages. Publication Date: December 17, 2012. Prod. #: W12392-PDF-ENG