Resuable Water Bottle Research Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Resuable Water Bottle Research Case Study Solution

Table-8: Emma Andrea Data Analysis

Student Name Emma Andrea
Gender female
Age 24 years

Table-9: Data

Design Straw Lid Volume (450-750 ml) Colour Price Ratings
1 0 0 0  £20.00 4
0 0 0 1  £10.00 5
0 0 0 2  £17.99 7
1 0 0 3  £29.00 5
1 0 1 1  £11.99 3
0 1 1 1  £32.00 5
1 1 0 2  £22.99 4
0 0 2 3  £34.00 5
1 1 1 1  £18.00 2
1 1 0 1  £23.00 5

Table-10: Emma Regression Analysis

  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 4.770349991 0.862246112 5.532469126 0.005216084 2.376370995 7.164328987 2.376370995 7.164328987
Design -1.834428353 0.544607838 -3.368347325 0.028086682 -3.346502119 -0.322354588 -3.346502119 -0.322354588
Straw Lid -0.508657468 0.58091393 -0.875615891 0.430670619 -2.121533105 1.104218168 -2.121533105 1.104218168
Volume (450-750 ml) -1.320100648 0.410142316 -3.21864045 0.03232224 -2.458838273 -0.181363023 -2.458838273 -0.181363023
Colour 0.208493265 0.34375404 0.606518734 0.57690854 -0.745920956 1.162907486 -0.745920956 1.162907486
Price 0.063071674 0.044638965 1.412928656 0.230549613 -0.060865964 0.187009311 -0.060865964 0.187009311


Purchasing Preference = c+ ß(D)+ß(S)+ß(V)+ß(C)+ß(P)+e

Purchasing Preference = 4.770349991 – 1.834428353 (D) -1.320100648(V) + e

Interpretation of results:

Findings discloses that design and volume have statistically significant influence on water bottle preferences, although price, straw lid and color shows insignificant relation with preference for purchasing water bottles. The coefficient of c is 4.770349991 which indicates the impact of other factors that are not the part of study as independent variable. The beta value for Volume and design is -1.320100648 and -1.834428353 which shows that if volume move by 1 unit, purchasing preferences will negatively modify by-1.320100648 and -1.834428353. Results further shows that price, straw lid and color is not influence the participant in purchasing preference of water bottles.

Adjusted R2 shows that the model is 85.6% fit or close to the reality to forecast the output variable through independent variable. In other words, 85.6% of the change in purchasing preference is explained by a change in independent variable. The prob. figure of F-Statistics is greater than 0.05 i.e. 0.000 indicates that independent variables collectively cannot influences the purchasing preferences, provides that model is better fits to the data.

In short, it is concluded that Emma And reapurchasing preference for water bottle depend on the volume and design of the water bottle. To Emma Andrea, design is 1.34 times more important than volume.


This research is conducted on different consumer segments because each consumer has different preferences on water bottles. Olive prefer less volume of water bottle which should easy to carry while hennery has to prefer more classic design as well as availability of straw in his bottle and Emma prefer trendy design than volume.


If I was a marketer of the water bottles I would move towards the olive segment where I emphasis more on different capacity of bottles to attract the consumer and get attracting benefits in terms of higher profit because they would pay more to get their desired water bottle.


Exhibit 1: Reusable Bottles in US

Products name Features
Chilly’s bottle Simple, stylish, durable, made up of stainless steel.

Dopper bottle

Light weighted, simple, BPA free, made of polypropylene, easily washable

Jerry Water Bottle

Easy to carry and maintaining temperature


Daylesford Clima


Similar to milk bottles,  stainless steel, keep the temperature hot and cold

Brita Fill & Go Vital bottle



Simple and durable, BPA free, filter cap, leakage free

Hydro Flask:


Stainless steel, dual option of cap and straw

Sigg Hot and Cold


Temperature maintain feature, push  button to open cap

Memobottle flat


Unique shape similar to hand bag and brief case
Amphipod Hydraform bottle Small size, manageable straw, easy to carry and maintain temperature.


Exhibit 2: Additional Product’s Features


Exhibit 3: Reused Water Bottles


1. Chilly’s bottle

2. Dopper bottle

3. Jerry bottle

4. Daylesford Clima bottle

5. Brita Fill & Go Vital bottle

6. Hydro Flask bottle

7. Sigg Hot and Cold One bottle

8. Memobottle flat bottle

9. Sigg Iffley Road bottle

10. Amphipod Hydraform bottle

Exhibit-4 Product Metrics

Water Bottle Design Straw Lid Volume (450-750 ml) Color Price
Chilly’s bottle Trendy No 500 ml Black  £       20.00
Dopper bottle Classic No 450 ml Blue  £       10.00
Jerry bottle Classic No 550 ml Grey  £       17.99
Daylesford Clima bottle Trendy No 500 ml White  £       29.00
Brita Fill & Go Vital bottle Trendy No 600 ml Blue  £       11.99
Hydro Flask bottle Classic Yes 600 ml Blue  £       32.00
Sigg Hot and Cold One bottle Trendy Yes 500 ml Grey  £       22.99
Memobottle flat bottle Classic No 750 ml White  £       34.00
Sigg Iffley Road bottle Trendy Yes 600 ml Blue  £       18.00
Amphipod Hydraform Trendy Yes 500 ml Blue  £       23.00

Exhibit 5:Survey Form

Survey Form
Please indicate how interested you would be in purchasing each of the water bottles, where 1 = Definitely not interested and 7 = Definitely interested.
Water Bottle Design Straw Lid Volume Color Price How interested would you be in purchasing this water bottle? Enter a number between 1 and 7 where 1 = ”Definitely not interested” and 7 = ”Definitely interested”
Chilly’s bottle Trendy No 500 ml Black  £          20.00
Dopper bottle Classic No 450 ml Blue  £          10.00
Jerry bottle Classic No 550 ml Grey  £          17.99
Daylesford Clima bottle Trendy No 500 ml White  £          29.00
Brita Fill & Go Vital bottle Trendy No 600 ml Blue  £          11.99
Hydro Flask bottle Classic No 600 ml Blue  £          32.00
Sigg Hot and Cold One bottle Trendy No 500 ml Grey  £          22.99
Memobottle flat bottle Classic No 750 ml White  £          34.00
Sigg Iffley Road bottle Trendy No 600 ml Blue  £          18.00
Amphipod Hydraform Trendy Yes 500 ml Blue  £          23.00


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