Research Proposal Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


The management problem which we have chosen for this research proposal is the effectiveness of different management styles in different workplace environments. Additionally, we have discussed their advantages and disadvantages in the current era. The management styles that we have discussed in this research proposal include directive, authoritative, participative and coaching.

One can say that one of the major tasks of the management of a company is to sustain a positive workplace environment for its employees, as it affects the productivity of the employees directly. (Schaefer, 1996)(Schaubroeck, 2011)

So, the purpose of the proposed research is to find whether there is any association between the management style and the work environment, or in simple words, the goal of this research is to find whether work environment is affected by the style of management. One of the plus point about this research proposal in comparative to others is that it takes into account the whole management of a company, most of the previous researches have been done on the leadership style and its effect on the environment of the workplace, but the given topic has not been discussed a lot. Thus, this research can contribute a lot.

There are a total of six management styles that the companies can opt. from, which includes directive, authoritative, affiliative, participative, pacesetting and coaching. Directive management style refers to giving orders to the employees, authoritative refers to the firm but fair management style. In our proposal we have discussed each of them in briefly. (Dolatabadi, 2015)

Research Proposal Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Research Questions & Objectives


The objective of the research question is clearly obtained using the SMART criteria. The SMART criteria refers to S = Specific, M = Measureable, A = Achievable, R = Relevant and T = Time Bound.

Our objective as discussed above is to find whether there is any association between the different management styles and workforce environment.

S = Specific, our objective of the research is specific.

M = Measurable, it can be measured by collecting data from employees of the company on a scale and then measuring the association through statistical tools and techniques.

A = Achievable, the goal is also achievable, if there are no financial constraints.

R = Relevant, the goal of the research study is very relevant, as the work environment plays an important role in the productivity of the company and determining if there is an association between the work environment and the management style, the companies can go for the positive management styles such that it would affect the work environment positively, which in result, would directly impact the overall productivity of the business.

T = Time-Bound, the research study would obviously require a detailed study and analysis of the data to get to a conclusion, but it can be completed within six months’ time.

Research Questions

The research question of the proposed study is as follows.

Ho = There is no association between the management styles and workforce environment.

H1 = There is an association between the management styles and workforce environment..........................

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