Regulatory Reform at OSHA (B) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Regulatory Reform at OSHA (B) Case Solution

Adversaries described it as abusively intrusive, creating bureaucratic nightmares for companies although its supporters seen it as a bulwark of the defense of sale working states. With that backdrop -- and with other resources and dwindling work force -- OSHA officials in Maine, in 1991, attempt a drastically different way of their job, targeting 200 companies which information has told them are the state's most crucial that you bring into conformity. OSHA expects both to prevent diluting the review capability it's -- and to find means to convince, rather than to coerce company, through the law to make progress. The evident success of the Maine 200 program comes at a time when the new Clinton Administration is ready to locate such authorities "reinvention" plans it can broadly reproduce. HKS Instance Number 1372.0

This is just an excerpt. This case is about  STRATEGY & EXECUTION

PUBLICATION DATE: January 01, 1997

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