Red star China (A) decision criteria for joint ventures Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

1       KepnerTregoe Problem Solving Method

KepnerTregoe is the technique for the decision making. This techniqueissolvedstep by step in different stages. The first stage involves knowing the problem, make good decisions and then prioritizing the issues. Afterwards, it would analyze the criteria for potential opportunities. Now coming towards Howard, the problem is to capture the contract of the shipment, then the decision is to gain the attention of director of logistics and solving the issues of re-assignment towards the small industries. Furthermore, the probability of the acceptance of the decisionshas resolved the matters with Pan and simultaneously maintained the relationship with new director of the logistics. These arethe decision which comes in what, where, when and extended criteria. These techniques are shown in“Appendix A”.

2       Force Field Analysis

The force field analysis is also a decision making method under which the forces are analyzedthat, which are in support of the decision and which are against the decision. It createseasier solutions to deal with the problems. Now in terms of the company Red Star China, faces the decision under which the force of the competitors is against the contract of the shipment but the force which supports, is Howard who is the master of Guanix techniques. The outcomes of this decision are generated on two sides, apart from this force which supports this decision which is on the safe side.

3       Alternatives Decisions

The alternative decision is made on the basis of the best understanding of the case and its material. There are three alternatives made for the decision criteria which are all very important forthe Howards. The following are the alternatives which are given below

  • Uphold the relationship with Pan Weidong at low aspects, which will improve the decision if Pan will return towards his existing position
  • A very old proverb of the Germans saysthat “business is business”, the trade in Guanix sense is misunderstood in the business. The Howard should impress the NCC by their effective level of work. Maintain the new relation with the new director of logistics.
  • Since it will take 1 year to influence Pan, if he further impresses Hans then maybe it take one year more. They need to do the business with the support of the Zhang which is already mentioned in the case.

4       Criteria for NCC

The basic decision criteria are basedon such changes which are made by Howard for gaining the contract of shipment by NCC. The following criteria are followed to cover the decision for ensuring the alternatives.

  • To ensure RSC about the long-term relation with NCC
  • To make a strong position of the Jiangsu Province`s liquid chemical market
  • Make sure about their competitor that it could not gain the advantage
  • Make sure the Howard could not fail to make the best decision criteria
  • If Howard, would have failed, then they lose their value among their colleagues and customers.

These are main criteria which Red Star China has to look out for better decision making. These criteria will have to be full filled for opting out the best alternative of the decision.

5       Decision for the Analysis

The decision for the analysis is based on the best alternatives of all the decisions. The second alternative is more suitable in the sense of the business. This will create two ends that maintain the relations with Pan and create their best effective level towards Hans which is the higher Official Authority of the NCC. Still, Howard has three choices which are, to stick with continuous investment with Pan on Guanixgrounds, to build new Guanix with Hans, and find new officials for developing the Guanix relations.

6       Conclusion

The outcomes of all the decisionsshow their positive ends, but the most appropriate solution is the second alternative of the decision which says that business is business and deals in the same way by which actually business norms are conducted. It will rectify the problem in two ways, first is that theyhave covered the Howard problems and second is that it had rectified the future prospective for decision making. Now the ball is in the court of the Howards. All relevant details are discussed in this report and give the best estimation on it...........................

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