This two-part case revolves around a mandate granted by Ganesh Purandare, head of the financial services business unit at SDL, an increasing software development firm, to Mohua Sen, head of recruitment for the department, he requested her to decrease recruitment times. For the SDL, each lateral hire is completed against the Billable opportunity.
Consequently, early or timely fulfillment is essential not only to ensuring project deliverables but also for addressing the immediate billability question. Part B: The case describes the execution of the solution as applied by Mohua Sen in a pilot project in her division. Challenges appear regarding acceptance of the process and also the successful execution across the entity. This aspect builds the gaps which exist between doing and knowing, how to comprehend and address key stakeholder concerns and the way to bring about change in organizations.
Recruiting Faster (B) Change Management at SDL Case Study Solution
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE