Recommendation Essay Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


It gives me great pleasure to write this letter of recommendation at the request of [Name of Student], a former student of mine at [Name of Institute]. I was the [designation of the professor], who instructed [name of student] in several courses that include Global business environment, Global risk management, and Emerging marketing. I have known her for [period] during which, it became immediately evident that she was an ambitious, hard-working and highly motivated student with a high level of intellect. I am glad to hear that she has decided to continue further her studies in your institute, and I am delighted to support her in this decision by writing this letter to your institute recommending her.

She was unquestionably one of the most outstanding students in her class as she was able to produce high-quality projects and assignments throughout the courses consistently before the deadlines. These qualities are indicators of the sense of responsibility, insights and punctuality. She was always eager to learn more in the class and never hesitated in raising her queries and concerns related to the lectures. She actively participated in a group discussion in the class and expressed her point of views with great clarity and reasonable justification to support it.

Global Business Environment

The process of globalization has affected every aspect of human life, including the business sector too. The business needs to focus on various characteristics to operate in such an environment, like e-commerce, advanced technology, communication, growth opportunities, alliances, restructuring, outsourcing, etc. The conditions in which a business exists are continuously evolving and to adapt to these changes the organizations needs to devise strategies and take decisions very spontaneously. The global business environment can be further sub-classified into internal and external environments.

By studyinga course like this, she has developed a strong understanding of how the international markets operate and can co-related external factors to the performance of a business. This course has helped her in getting a vision on how factors like growth, interest rate, and inflation can affect business operations. This subject helps understand the mechanism of international business environment that constitutes of various elements, how the wealth maximization in possible in each scenario. The students learn decision making related to consumption of resources.

This course also helps the students get a perspective of institutional, political, domestic and foreign economic factors apply in theoretical terms. This helps students to understand various concepts related to different types of markets like monopoly, oligopoly, perfect competition, imperfect market and on what assumptions are these based. A concept of the functions of different economic and financial institutions is developed along with their role in the global economy.

This is a vast and diversified subject, which developsthe analytical and decision making power of the student. It also helps in creating a skill of problem solving and constructive criticism of the current situation of the world amongst the students.

She dida project on research and analysis of different types of markets and what type of strategies should be implemented in each of the market type. She presented a remarkable project in this research task and was able to come up with very distinctive measures to overcome the issues faced by some of the leading global markets.Recommendation Essay Case Solution

Global Risk Management

The organizations should be able to manage their risk to existing both internally and externally in its surroundings to make a business successful. This course helps the students to learn the basic underlying principles of risks and how to manage them. It also cultivates the understanding amongst the students regarding the factors that drives risk to an organization and what developments and international standards are being devised to overcome these risks. The students can analyze the features related to risk relating to an enterprise that include risk appetite, architecture, strategy, protocol, culture, and tolerance.

The incorporation and implementation of corporate governance, and dealing with the operational risks providea realistic and practical approach to the students as what should be done in the practical world and how to deal with ease. They also learn how to gain risk related information from various sources, how to assess them in both quantitative and qualitative work and also to manage them by presenting and sharing such information.........................

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