Quantitative Research Methods Assignment Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Part 2: Statistical Analysis of Country Level Data
We have been provided the population data for the countries and their relative percentages for the ownership of the business owners. We have selected the sample from the population by using the Random Sampling technique in the data analysis section of the excel spreadsheet. No same values have been repeated in the sample size. The total size of the sample is 30 and we have used the random sampling technique because we have the business ownership data for a total of 64 countries and if we select some of the countries and leave others based on our own thinking and intuition then this would mean that we are being biased in the selection of the sample. Therefore, in order to resolve this issue, we have selected the sample with a sample size of 30 by using the random sampling technique. The codes, names of the countries and the year along with the business ownership percentage are shown in the excel spreadsheet. The final data set consists of 30 random countries irrespective of any bias.
The average percentage of the ownership across the 30 countries in the sample is 7.767 with a standard deviation of 4.344. The total number of the countries that have the average ownership percentage of greater than 10 is 9 and the mean ownership of such countries is 13.444 as shown in the table below: This means that the mean score for the countries with ownership greater than 10 is 13.444 and shows that most of the countries, around 33% of the total sample countries have ownership of greater than 10. After this, we have computed the median statistic.
The median of the sample is 6.2 and the definition of this would mean that this is the percentage ownership which lies at the midpoint of the frequency distribution of all the observed values. This value has the equal probability of falling above or below it. Lastly, we have computed the mode of the sample. Mode is defined as the most repetitive value of the data set or sample. The mode for the random sample is 5.3 and this show either 2 or more than 2 countries have the percentage ownership of 5.3 among all the 30 countries selected in the random sample. The computations have been performed in the excel spreadsheet and the excel tables are shown below:
Quantitative Research Methods Assignment Harvard Case Solution & Analysis
Parameter (Mean Value) 7.767
Standard Deviation 4.344
Average Statistic of Countries with Ownership greater than 10 13.444
Number of Economies with ownership greater than 10 9
Mode 5.3
Median 6.2
The mean has been calculated first for the whole population data that consists of the percentage ownership of all the 64 countries. The mean percentage ownership of all the countries is 8.055 as shown in the table below. This percentage ownership is slightly higher than the mean percentage ownership of the 30 countries within the random sample. The mean percentage ownership of 8.055 means that all the 64 countries on average have a percentage ownership of business slightly above or less than 8.055……….

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