Interpretation of the Results
The sample of 90 time periods was taken to conduct the study related to the downloading time for three different times throughout the day. To analyse the comparison between the three times throughout the day and downloading time, the most suitable test was one-way ANOVA. Three categories of time are equally divided into 30 numbers that are early morning (7 am), evening (5 pm) and late night (12 pm).
The result shows that at 2.5% significance level, our P value=0.000 is less than 0.05, hence it can be concluded that there is statically significant difference between the three different times periods that are early morning, evening and late night. (support. mini tab, n.d.)
The post hoc test using the tuckey HSD test tells us that there is statically significant difference between Early (7 AM) and Evening(5 PM) at P value of 0.00<0.001. Also there is statically significant difference between Early (7 AM) and Late night (12 am) at p value=0.00<0.001. However, there is no statistical significant difference between Evening (5 PM) and Late night (12 am) as the P-Value=0.263>0.001. Therefore, it can be concluded that downloading movies in early morning (7 am) was faster as compared to the other two groups. Though, evening and late night movie downloading times do not have high difference from one another. (statistics-help-for-students, n.d...........
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