Pyramyd Air, a humble and growing on-line airgun retailer allocation the shooting community, desires to enlarge its sustainability practices from its current internal proposal as a way to convey an even more powerful value proposition: sustainability is not just about recycling and efficacy, it is about flourishing surroundings foremost to more engaged workers and more steadfast premium customers.
As is solar energy for instance, though the airgun business is not by its nature built on sustainability principles, Pyramyd Air comprehends that some sustainability practices are vital to its customers' long-term enjoyment of a booming outdoor sporting sector. For a business with strong customer relationships, can the relationship between employees and customers reinforce by building on the inherent business values of the great outdoors as well as a sense of community?
Pyramyd Air Looking through the Scope of Values Case Study Solution
PUBLICATION DATE: October 25, 2013 PRODUCT #: W13450-PDF-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE