1. Female with salary:

The Correlation of 0.-880 between male and lower than $40K salary means that there are 89% chances that females will not be paid less than $40K, the negative sign tells us that there is an inverse relationship between females and lower than 40k salary. On the other hand if we compare it with female and more than $40k salary we will see that the correlation is of 0.908, this means that if the teacher is female, she will get a salary of more than $40k  In addition to this the relationship is 90.8% strong. Hence it is confirmed that there are high chances that females get more than $40k salary.

After performing the correlation test on both the genders and with the salaries, we do know that teachers’ genders does have an effect on their salaries. After the results it’s clear that females are highly paid than the male counterparts. Female’s salaries are higher than $40k whereas if the teacher is male its salary will be lower than $40k.

  1. Age less than 30 with salary:

After seeing the result of less than 30 age with less than $40k salary, it can be seen that the relationship between the two variables is strong with 86.9% chance that if the teacher is less than the age of 30 will receive less than $40k salary. To confirm this we have taken relationship between age under 30 and salary over $40k. The relationship is negatively related which means that if the teacher is less than 30 the salary will not be more than $40k.

  1. Age More than 30 with salary:

Correlation of more than 30 age with less than $40k salary is 0.931 which means that chances of teachers with more than 30 age getting less than $40k are 91.3%. This shows that the relationship between the two variables is very strong. It is confirmed by the test result of age above 30 with above $40k salary as the correlation is of -0.905 which means that it’s improbable that if the teacher’s age is more than 30 and he will paid more than $40k. The chances are highly strong as the relationship shows 90.5% relationship between the two variables and shows that the inverse relationship is highly possible. The conclusion can be derived that the school are not willing to pay more than $40k salary to both the age categories. Although teachers with less than 30 age have more chance of getting paid over $40k as compared to the teachers with more than 30 age. Hence less salaries forces teachers to either leave their jobs or switch to some other school. Hence males might leave their jobs or may switch to some other school for better pay scale.


Question 3:

  1. How does the class of organization in teaching effects the salary range from 2008 to 2012?
Control Variables Departmental instructions Elementary Subject Specialist Self-Contained Class Team Teaching Pull-out &


Less than 40k Greater than 40k
Dep instructions Correlation 1.000 .299 -.399 .060 .541 -.988 .976
Significance (2-tailed) . .807 .739 .962 .636 .100 .141
Df 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
Elementry Subject Specialist Correlation .299 1.000 .756 -.935 -.642 -.444 .501
Significance (2-tailed) .807 . .454 .231 .557 .707 .666
Df 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
Self-Contained Class Correlation -.399 .756 1.000 -.939 -.987 .251 -.188
Significance (2-tailed) .739 .454 . .223 .102 .839 .880
Df 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
Team Teaching Correlation .060 -.935 -.939 1.000 .872 .097 -.161
Significance (2-tailed) .962 .231 .223 . .325 .938 .897
Df 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
Pull-out  Push-in Correlation .541 -.642 -.987 .872 1.000 -.403 .343
Significance (2-tailed) .636 .557 .102 .325 . .736 .777
Df 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
Less than 40k Correlation -.988 -.444 .251 .097 -.403 1.000 -.998
Significance (2-tailed) .100 .707 .839 .938 .736 . .041
Df 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
Greater than 40k Correlation .976 .501 -.188 -.161 .343 -.998 1.000
Significance (2-tailed) .141 .666 .880 .897 .777 .041 .
Df 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

Departmental instructions with Salaries:

The teachers of departmental instruction have 98.8% chance that they won’t get a salary less than $40k because the correlation is -0.988 which shows that the relationship is inverse. This can be approved by the relationship between Departmental instructions and salary over $40k. The relationship is highly strong with correlation of 0.976 which means that if the teacher belongs to departmental instruction class then it would receive a salary of more than $40k.

Elementary Subject Specialist with Salaries:

If the teacher is an elementary subject specialist than there is a chance of 44.4% that s/he will get paid less than $40k salary. This can be confirmed by the relationship of Elementary Subject Specialist with the salary of more than $40k that 0.501 correlation shows that there is 50.1% chance that Elementary Subject Specialist teachers will get a salary of more than $40k. Therefore, it can be the elementary subject specialist has a 50-50 chance of getting to a salary more than or lower than $40k.

Self-Contained Class with Salaries:

Self-contained classrooms are basically designed for special children or children with disabilities. Here the relationship between Self-Contained Class teachers and salaries. According to the results the teachers have 23.1% of getting paid less than $40k. On the other hand the Self-Contained Class teachers have inverse relationship of getting a salary more than $40k, but the chance are very weak as the correlation -0.181, which means that there is only 18.1% chance of these teachers not getting paid more than $40k salary.

Team Teaching with Salaries:

Team teaching refers to when a group of teachers teaches in coordination. The teachers with coordinated teaching just have a minute chance of 9.7% that they will be paid lower than $40k salary. The other relationship shows that team teaching teachers have just a 16.1% chance that they will not get paid more than $40k salary. This is a weak relationship between the two variables. This actually means that there is no relationship between team teachers and salaries. Hence we can say that team teaching doesn’t have any effect on the salaries of the teachers.

”Pull-out” class or “push-in” instruction with Salaries:

Pull out or push-in instructions are for ELS teachers and the way of teaching their students. There is a weak inverse relationship between this class organization and salary of less than $40k. The relationship shows that there is only 40.3% chance that teachers will get paid less than $40k salary. This is weak to moderate relationship. Again looking at another result, the weak relationship between teachers and more than $40k salary can be seen as correlation of -0.161 shows that these type of teachers have a chance of not getting paid more than $40k salary, but again the relationship is just 16.1% strong. Hence it can be said that the relationship between ”Pull-out” class or “push-in” instruction teachers and salaries don’t have any relationship with each other.

Question 4:

  1. What are the undermining factors that affect the distribution and access to new opportunities under different races?
MOVER (VOLUNTARY) Correlation 1.000 .227 .093 -.125
Significance (2-tailed) . .854 .940 .920
df 0 1 1 1
MOVER (INVOLUNTARY) Correlation .227 1.000 .991 -.995
Significance (2-tailed) .854 . .086 .066
df 1 0 1 1
WHITE Correlation .093 .991 1.000 -.999
Significance (2-tailed) .940 .086 . .020
df 1 1 0 1
NON WHITE Correlation -.125 -.995 -.999 1.000
Significance (2-tailed) .920 .066 .020 .
df 1 1 1 0


When comparing voluntary movers first with white race it can be seen that there is now relationship between voluntarily movements of white teachers. The correlation of just 0.093 means that there is only 9.3% chance of white people moving voluntarily. Then a relationship test between voluntary movers and nonwhite race shows that there is an inverse relationship between voluntary movers and nonwhite teaching staff, but the relationship is still weak at 12.5% which means that nonwhite teachers are not the voluntary movers. They want to stay and provide education to the children. Although the relationship is not that strong.


The test result of involuntary movers with white race shows that extremely strong, which says that there is 99.1% chance that the white people are moving involuntarily. If we compare white race result with nonwhite teachers we will see an inverse relationship between nonwhite race and involuntarily movement. The relationship is extremely strong which says that it is 99.5% chance that involuntary movement is not conducted by nonwhite teachers.

Hence it means that nonwhite teacher’s retention ratio is also better than the white teachers because voluntarily or involuntarily they are not moving place in the school. On the other hand, white teacher’s attrition ratio is high and they are basically force to move.

LEAVERS (VOLUNTARILY) Correlation 1.000 -1.000 .262 -.231
Significance (2-tailed) . .012 .831 .852
df 0 1 1 1
LEAVERS (INVOLUNTARILY) Correlation -1.000 1.000 -.281 .250
Significance (2-tailed) .012 . .819 .839
df 1 0 1 1
WHITE Correlation .262 -.281 1.000 -.999
Significance (2-tailed) .831 .819 . .020
df 1 1 0 1
NON WHITE Correlation -.231 .250 -.999 1.000
Significance (2-tailed) .852 .839 .020 .
df 1 1 1 0


There is 26.2% chance that white people are leaving their job voluntarily, but this a less strong relationship. Comparing it to the nonwhite there is an inverse relationship between nonwhite people leaving their teaching jobs. The inverse relationship shows that nonwhite people doesn’t want to leave their job but again the relationship is weak with 23.1% chance of nonwhite teachers to leave their job.


After the result it is clear that the white teachers’ are not leaving their job involuntarily because the -0.282 correlation shows an inverse relationship between the two variables but other than this the relationship is weak. If we compare nonwhite people test results we will see that nonwhite people are not leaving their teaching job voluntarily as the correlation is of -0.231 which shows although the relationship is weak but it is an inverse relationship………..


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