Project Implementation Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Project implementation can be defined as a project to derive the output of the inputs using a designed framework. Implementing a successful project is complex and ongoing challenge for managers in organizations as they have to pay attention to other related variables that make the task difficult for them. Projects are a set of large, unique, expensive risks and needs to be completed under a designated time frame supported by a certain amount of money and is expected to perform and produce a certain level of outcome. Therefore, a successful project implementation is assessed on the basis of criteria developed from the definition of the project that includes time, money, effectiveness and client satisfaction. Project managers often feel the task difficult due to lack of funds, insufficient power and people to produce successful results and carry a successful implementation (Pinto, 1987).

Implementation is the step in a project where all the activities as planned, are put into action to generate the desired outcomes. According to the definition, implementation is a process where authoritative decisions are taken by the decision makers. The decisions are taken in accordance to the objectives set and in order to achieve those objectives (P. Berman, 1978).  In the project planning phase the transition from planning to implementation occurs and the reason of this transition is mainly to transfer the project from evaluation to implementation. The transition includes shifting of knowledge and documents created during the evaluation process in order to provide a clear view of the objectives of the project and also to develop an understanding of the requirements mostly functional to develop a coordination between associated parties (Vanderbilt University Medical Center).

The implementation process varies from organization to organization. A successful implementation requires stepwise implementation. In the first evaluate the plan and highlight challenging points and review them clearly. In this phase, evaluate all the flaws that can occur and put constraints in the process, for example, unrealistic goals, the cost factor, unrealistic time frame, etc. In the next phase develops a vision and clear objects that are supposed to be met from implementing the project. In the next phase select a team and encourage them to show commitment. Scheduling the meetings is also important, and last involve the top management and ensure their commitment towards the project.

Managers mostly used project life cycles as a guiding framework to conceptualize the different requirements of the project, for example, the requirement of budget and time frame. Project life cycle help managers to understand the requirements of the project in a better and conceptual manner and to better allocate the requirements and resources according to the stages in the cycle, the project life cycle has been divided into four distinct stages that include conceptualization, planning, execution and termination.

At the stage of conceptualization, the necessity of the project is determined as it is the initial stage of the project. The goals and objectives along with the alternatives are also designed and are specified at this stage. The ways and means to achieve the designed objectives are also set at this stage. Planning stage makes the designed goals more specific and present a formal plan to achieve the deigned goals and objectives. The planning stage requires some activities to be performed to move ahead. These activities include budgeting of the project, making a schedule, and allocating tasks to the selected team members and allocating the resources as well (Adams, 1983).

At the execution stage, the real work is done, and inputs are put into action to derive the desired outputs. Procurement of resources and material is done, and the verification of different product and performance capabilities are analyzed and verified. Termination stage is carried out after the completion of the project and involves different activities that include releasing of resources and handling the project to the client. One important task is performed at this stage if the need is there and this includes assigning a new task to the team members (King, 1983).

A research consisting of 50 managers revealed a ten factor model that most of the managers believed will help in the successful implementation of any project. These ten factors identified included clearly identifying goals at the initial stage along with the direction to pursue the project in the right manner, the importance of communication, developing a reliable team and most importantly involvement of the clients.................

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