Progress in Adopting EHR in Saudi Eastern Region Private Hospitals Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Progress in Adopting EHR in Saudi Eastern Region Private Hospitals Case Solution

Section 01

The paper sets out to investigate the extent and level of the usage of Electronic Health Records (EHR) in the Saudi Arabia based private sector hospitals. A significant increase in the number of healthcare centers or hospitals is witnessed with the Electronic Health Records year by year as well as more functionality is observed in their use. An advantages of moving from paper-based medical records to the EHR includes the significant improvement in the quality of information, provision of accurate, up-to-date information at the point of care-about patients, enable quick access to patients records for more coordinated& efficient care, computerized physician order management, electronic communication and connectivity, error reduction & flexibility in access to health records. The paper discusses various barriers in accelerating the adoption of the process of HER which are similar to those in other nations such as resistance of physicians, lack of technical support, threats to confidentiality, technical concerns, lack of training of physicians & medical staff, unclear law and legislation aspects, size of implementation & lack of interest and cooperation and others (Ronnie Ben-Zion, 2014).

The findings of the various researches show that the adoption of the EHR system is higher amongst private, larger, and urban hospitals and young physicians working in the Western US and large hospitals. In private sector hospitals, the targeted category of people was 22 information technology departments. The results of the open-ended questions asked on the issues of adoption of the EHR process amongst IT heads shows that there are only three hospitals that had operational EHR while the other four are progressing in the implementation of EHR system which accounts for 42.9% and 57.1 percent respectively. The majority of IT managers reported that their EHR system is secured regardless of the increased number of respondents accepted that the security mechanism is not effective enough in covering all threats.

Hence, the increased adoption of EHR is based on better patient care by enhancing all the aspects of patient care which includes-timeliness, patient-contentedness, equity, safety, effectiveness, efficiency, education, and communication (Claire F. Snyder, 2012 ).

Section 02

Electronic Health Records are of paramount importance in increasing healthcare efficiency, improving healthcare quality & patient safety. In various countries, the government has stressed the significance of moving beyond the local implementation of the EHR system in different hospitals to the integration of EHRs and national implementation. Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia is not accelerating its efforts in the implementation of EHR system, with no more than a few hospitals have implemented EHR system.......................

Progress in Adopting EHR in Saudi Eastern Region Private Hospitals Case Solution

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