Presents a video interview with Wolfgang Berndt, advertising manager for P & G in Germany during the launch Vizir, and the main initiator of its introduction as the first Eurobrand P & G. This video is divided into two parts. The first is designed for use in middle school, entering Berndt account of how it was decided to start the Vizier as Eurobrand. Then he picks up some of the problems and challenges are felt in the company of how Eurobrands should be managed. This provides a bridge to discuss whether Euroteams, which had been formed, and discuss alternative organizational proposals. The second section describes the organizational approach, update students on the results, and provides some interesting thoughts on how the concept of leading Eurobrand gradual globalization of some aspects of the strategy detergent P & G. "Hide
by Christopher A. Bartlett Source: Supplement 20-minute video. Publication Date: April 17, 1986. Prod. #: 886521-VID-ENG