Pupils will be interested to see what really occurred related to the issues raised in the (A) case. Many will have anticipated that France Telecom moved quickly to consolidate its control over TPSA. Yet, few will have anticipated that TPSA managed to cut their workforce in half rapidly and reach a substantial gain increase by 2004. However, France Telecom was blocked due to the slow development of e business in Poland, and so many of the expectations in regard to earnings from value added actions had failed to materialize by 2008.
The focus on case (B) is emphasized mostly on the likely regulatory changes in Poland's telecom sector. Moreover, the students will be interested in providing advice to Poland's new parliamentary leaders regarding the regulatory reforms that they would advocate. Pupils can also debate whether the European Union (EU) will have the ability to impose uniform regulations through the EU that can provoke the growth of new adversaries. Discussion should be also generated by their recommendations for a political strategy for TPSA and France Telecom.
PUBLICATION DATE: January 31, 2008 PRODUCT #: 908M01-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is aboutĀ GLOBAL BUSINESS