In May 2002, Stephen Langley, Director of the Asia-Pacific region, PwC Consulting, and his colleagues in the U.S. and Europe were busy with pressing issues related to the separation of tissue KnowledgeCurve, vital company, in preparation for the parallel is scheduled for early August. KnowledgeCurve was the Intranet, which supported the daily activities of the entire company. With the advent of new technologies and Internet-based applications, it seemed illogical to duplicate the legacy infrastructure, which was built KnowledgeCurve. In addition, the consulting staff are constantly pushing for new functions that, for example, allow them to access and retrieve information not only from the knowledge base PwC, but also on the wealth of external service providers. In response to these new requirements, PwC Consulting began working on the portal, to be launched in Q4 2002, which would cover the Intranet, as it existed at the time. Migration from legacy infrastructure creates several technological challenges. If you take a full approach to integrate the portal, buy a middleware to integrate individual applications, or simply tie existing KnowledgeCurve portal to provide access to the data? Other issues related to the allocation requiring resolution included intellectual property rights. “Hide
by Ali F. Farhoomand, Pauline Ng Source: University of Hong Kong, 15 pages. Publication Date: September 30, 2002. Prod. #: HKU221-PDF-ENG
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