"There are times when issues are beyond the scope of satire, and even as a joke. Things have become so ridiculous that laughter is incredibly painful. Privatization UK electricity and business regulation has now reached that point." So began an article in the March 1995 edition of Economist energy. This quote reflects the depth of which is the confidence of the British program to regulate its distribution companies fell. What happened to the control system is presented as a model for the rest of the world model of most experts felt was a significant improvement over the rate of return that is widely used in the U.S.? At the heart of the British system of performance-based rates were either adopted or considered in more than 30 countries. This was a new wave of regulation. However, in England, he ran smack into one of the biggest political and financial Furors recently. HKS Case Number 1619.0. "Hide
Henry Lee on 6 pages. Publication Date: January 1, 1998. Prod. #: HKS862-PDF-ENG