U.S. Customs and Border Protection that reports fake seizure of goods grew by 83% in 2006. While many anti-counterfeiting strategy targeted distribution channels, international organizations, the pirates and the company on the basis of initiatives, several discussions of performance reports of these various anti-counterfeiting tactics to curb the problem. For this study we conducted in-depth interviews with managers of the United States to assess the effectiveness of various anti-counterfeiting tactics maintenance of intellectual property rights. The results indicate that corporate managers are finding the practice of encouraging distributors to notify the manufacturer of the fakes, and the training of workers and members of the channel of fake problems, one of the most effective ways to fight pirates. However, many managers reported no use other tactics, including the provision of financial incentives to distributors reject counterfeits and emphasizing the harmful effects of counterfeit products in advertising. We recommend a special program that firms can use to prevent fraud, including the management of registration of trademarks and patents in key markets, the establishment of performance-based command, control the growth of fraud through a central repository of information, the development of multilateral action plan and training to fight pirates in research in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies. "Hide
by Peggy E. Chaudhry, Alan Zimmerman, Jonathan R. Peters, Victor V. Cordell Source: Business Horizons 10 pages. Publication Date: January 15, 2008. Prod. #: BH310-PDF-ENG