Power is the great motivator Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Power is the great motivator Case Solution

Power is the great motivator

Management is a process to deal and control people or things, so that a particular company can be able to achieve its goals for the organization. Most mangers try to attract their employees in order to enhance the performance of their company.

Social motive

There the three social motives a manger can use to attract itsemployees to work hard and effectively, which will increase the performance of manager’scompany.


In this social motive, the manager focuses on the innovation, improvement, and efficiency of the organization in order to achieve the organization’s goal. With this motivational type, employs work on the task with moderate difficulty andthe personal type of the motivation increasesthroughaccomplishment in the work place and employment hierarchy with promotional position.


In this social motive, a manager work with his or hersubordinate, the reason is he or she wants to spend time with subordinate is in order to create and maintain social relationship with manager’ssubordinates. The manger will favor collaboration over competition. High affiliation works well in areas of social interactions and subordinate will easily attract.


 This motivation can be positively applied to employees who enjoy status recognition, arecompetitiveand influence others.

Profile of a Good Manager

The good manager is one who has high power of motivation, low affiliation motivation, and high inhibition. Success of the organization is based on the good manager who helps its subordinate and rewards them properly for their good performance;as the employees will be motivated, they will behave in particular way thatwill increase the performance of the company. Along with this, the manger has to organize things, so that the subordinates know that what has to be done. Any manger who has high power of motivation, will balance it with high inhibition.

Moreover, a good manger should build a team of subordinates, he or she also has to work temporarily among subordinate as a part of the team. In order to create a strong sense of team spirit, whenever any manager who works as a part of the team will easily understand the problem of any subordinate and eliminate their problems effectively, which will lead the performance of the subordinate and subordinate will achieve the goal of the organization effectively.Ultimately it will enhance the profitability of the organization,but the sociological theory finds that the need of affiliation doesn’t make a good manager, the reason is this kind of the person creates low morale because he doesn’t understand other people in the office. This will tend to regard exception to the rules as unfair themselves..................

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