Demographic change is changing society and presenting new challenges for the world. It has been argued that the growing population is the most crucial problem facing by less developed countries. It has also been seen that the population growth has becoming the cause of other socio economics problems of the world. Some critics argued that blaming global environment, poverty, destruction, hunger, and political instability have considerably increased nowadays. Furthermore, population growth is not the most decisive problem faced by the less develop countries, as there are other issues of equal but not as importance. These issues can be defined as the economic underdevelopment. It has been seen that, poor countries cannot afford to invest in the new technology due to low incomes. And the low income resulted due to the inefficient production techniques. Thus, these less developed countries are caught in a fierce cycle which foreign aid aims to break.(andrewwhitty, 1997)
An in-depth analysis and comprehensive study of the subject through the available data and information of demographic problems of the developing regions and countries reveals that there are several critical issues and problems that still persist among the population and societies of these regions in terms of the demographic issues and challenges. It is also a significant contributor of the problems and issues that hinder the growth of these regions and countries as a nation.
The root cause behind the issue at hand is the ever increasing population of these countries which the governments have so far been un-successful in controlling and the high proportion of illiteracy also adds to the issue because the un-educated population of the country fails to understand the complexities that might rise due to high mortality and child birth rates.
Some of the most critical supplementary demographic problems in the developing countries that rise with the rise in population are the health complexities among the mother and the children, poverty, unemployment, ineffective and inadequate public services of the government and most certainly un-education.
Population growth is the main obstacle in the economic development. Some developing countries have population growth rates surplus of their GDP growth rates and therefore have negative growth rates of per capita GDP. Moreover, many developing countries have rates of population growth that are almost as large as their rates of GDP growth. Therefore, their standards of living are hardly higher than they were 100 years ago. However, they have made substantial gains in aggregate income, but most of the gains have been factually eaten up the increased population.(Population Challenges and Development Goals, 2005)
Furthermore, the increasing population growth has arisen several problems such as collapsing infrastructure as many countries do not have an infrastructure that is able of dealing with the massive increase in the population. In addition, the government is also not capable to maintain the facilities due to the in sufficient funds available. Moreover, the massive growth in the population also increasing levels of population which has become a major threat to the environment and climate. The increase in population also leads towards the rise in unemployment due to which governments in the less developed countries are unable to generate the employment opportunities.This would cause the increase in pressure on the natural resources due to the population’s growth. Furthermore, the highest population growth has largely been seen in the poor countries. (Seligman, 2003)…………………
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