Political Philosophy Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Political Philosophy Case Solution

  • Developed nations set up their factories and industries to the emerging nations this causes increased pollution in poor nations.
  • Globalization-aids the extent of new diseases in poor nations by tourists between countries. Increased trade and travel aids diseases like HIV, Swine Flu, and Bird Flu etc. This impacts-seriously to the living standards and life expectancy these poor countries.
  • Globalized-rivalry has forced many skilled workers such as doctors and engineers etc. migrate to established-nations to benefit from the higher salaries and better lifestyle for themselves and their families. This leads to decline of skills labour in the underdeveloped countries.
  • Globalization might lead to end the culture, traditional, identity, language etc. of any nation.
  1. What are some of the main characteristics of a good leader? Discuss how one of the following thinkers answers this question: Plato, Augustine, Cicero, Machiavelli. Do you agree with the thinker you have discussed?


Leadership is inspiration, it is the power to translate or convert vision into reality. Being a good leader is not a piece of cake. One must have effective leadership qualities that help them achieve or attain higher goals. A leader is responsible for making critical decisions as well as managing a team. Following are the main characteristics of a good leader,

  • Integrity,
  • Ability to delegate,
  • Communication,
  • Self-awareness,
  • Gratitude,
  • Learning agility,
  • Influence,
  • Honesty,
  • Confidence,
  • Inspire Others,
  • Commitment and Passion,
  • Creativity and Innovation,
  • Transparency,
  • Vision and Purpose,
  • Empathy,
  • Courage and,
  • Respect

PlatoViews on Leadership

The great Greek philosopher Plato thought a great deal about leadership. Plato sketches his view on leadership over a conversation on civic and political life in the Grecian city state “Polis”. Apart from concentrating on the importance of justice, Plato also developed a framework on the nature of leadership.

Plato was not satisfied with leaders who were motivated by self-interest and did not have any moral values. He thought of them as not strong leaders. Plato suggests that nations should be governed by philosophers. Leader should be a“philosophize” which is a Greek word for lover of wisdom.Plato emphasizes that leadership is a duty of philosopher kings who obtain the techniques and skills for ruling which he claims is a form of art. An ideal state in Plato’s view can never be produced into a reality until and unless philosophers become rulers or leaders of the nations in this world or until and unless rulers or monarchs become philosophers.Only thinkers are ethically and logically-suitable to oversee, lead and rule a nation. Ethically because they are concerned in and have a desire for truth and knowledge, while displaying no curiosity in the lures of gaining power for the sake of power. Virtue and the good are important to Plato’s view on leadership as an art of ruling. Leaders can attain four fundamental virtues:

  • Prudence as wisdom
  • Justice as fairness
  • Temperance as moderation or restraint
  • Courage as fortitude or resilience

I agree with Plato’s views and visions on leadership.His statement that only philosophers and great thinkers are capable of ruling is somewhat correct. We can agree that leaders and rulers, then and today, must be dedicated to understanding and truth seeking. Leaders seek evidence and facts to inform their actions and to inform the actions of those around them.

Leader or rulers are also people who value justice in their connections with others, whether being a just leader while managing a group, or as a advocate of just outcomes through an organization’s work and mission. Today the issues nations face are because they don’t have a dedicated ruler. Some of the nations are being ruled by self-centered governments. Effective leaders are also inconsistently moderate in their approach and show limitation in their movements. They are thoughtful, yet conclusive. I also believe that, a Platonic inspired ruler will seek to be bold in his vision and is strong in the face of any sort of uncertainty.

  1. What are Aristotle’s complaints about Plato’s “best” government and do you agree with them? How does Plato’s theory that the state in the Laws is the “second-best” government influence your argument?


Plato and Aristotle both lived in the Greek city of Athens. Athens was a democratic state. In Athenian democracy all the male citizens were involved directly in making laws and performing jury trials inorder to bring justices. Both Plato and Aristotle established significant thoughts about government and politics.

In one of Plato's previous works he describes an ultimate form of government, one that was better than the one that existed in Athens at the time. He thought that most people were uninformed and untaught and thus felt they should not have the power to vote and decide what society should do. In its place, he claimed that the best people should be selected to be the leaders or guardians of the others. According to Plato, luxuries are not allowed and people are not even allowed to go near gold or silver.

Aristotle was one of the leading philosophers of Ancient Greece, and his wisdom's were at the heart of Western political thought. Aristotle deliberates the initial stages of a political society, relation ships-among men and women and slavery.

These philosophers, Plato and Aristotle are considered as the creators of two different theoretical traditions in political science i.e. idealism and realism.Plato and Aristotle have dissimilar practices of exploring the problems of political philosophy. Plato and Aristotle have diverseviews about the details of state or nation formation. Both of them provided different explanations of why democracy is a bad form of government and nobility is the best form of government. Both of these philosophers have different views on gender relations as well.Hence we can conclude that Aristotle disagreed with almost every Plato’s view on good government.Plato stated that the best form of government is the one by those with the knowledge and art of ruling.Plato considered the option that not only the popular, but all citizens could be incompetent of attaining the "form of the good." He there fore planned a second-best state with leaders and rulers unaware of the "form of the good" but proficient of thought. Such a society had total and inflexible rulers who eliminated any idea or thing that interrogated their power. Acting as if they controlled under standing, such leaders recognized laws that mirrored their sentiments and their flawed beginning of the good......................

Political Philosophy Case Solution

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