The information of the firm’s operations gives a remarkable knowledge to the management of the company so that they can improve the performance of the company. All these information can come from the operations of the company such as customer service calls, internal decision making procedures or quality assurance checks. There are numerous firms or companies which used the term “Big Data” for the information of the company’s operations. The companies can use Big Data when they are confused.A lot of companies have no idea that what information they have required in order to make a decision. On the other hand, sometimes they have an information, however, they are unable to use it in a good manner. Arranging, cleaning, and organizing the information is a difficult and time-consuming task. Moreover, the experts are also not easily available who can assist others. However, software is the best alternative of the experts for the purpose of collecting and assessing the information.
Podium Data is one of the services which offers predictive analysis and big data application for the business organizations. These are numerous startup businesses are unable to collect and analyze the information regarding the operations. Hadoop is an application which can create a flow of information that include structured and unstructured information.
The applications of Podium Data can run through the firewall of internal or external cloud of a firm. It is very important application for the users that is because it can avoid the people who want to buy encryption products. Furthermore, the externally-built encryption products are charging a lot of money from the users for the purpose of encrypting or unlocking the information.
Podium Data Harnessing the Power of Big Data Analytics Case Study Solution
This is just an excerpt. This case is about INNOVATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP