Planning Human Resources Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Make everything organized:

The trainers can use their spare time to make them prepare for a busy time when the work load will be at its peak. Main tasks that may involve in this include sorting and responding to messages and emails from customers and even from other co-workers. Further, the trainers can also make a checklist or to-do list for the coming weeks or a month, whichever suits best.

Finding pattern:

Trainers and managers of the company both need to work collaboratively to find out the pattern in workload fluctuations. The manager of the company needs to analyze and evaluate the factors that are contributing the most in increased workload. By findings the patterns and factors, the managers would be able to identify the requirements for outsourced trainers and the requirement of projects about it. For instance, many businesses are highly dependent on the season for a sale. If the company manufactures raincoats then, monsoon season would be the peak season for the company. These projections will help HR managers analyze the need of manpower.

Sort out temporary and permanent employees:

Human Resource manager of the company can make a list of employees and differentiate it by sorting permanent and temporary employees for the company. For permanent employees, managers need to develop skills in them about working in high and low workload. Other than that, employees with extra intelligence and expertise should be kept permanently and engage these workers more in their skill development.

In addition to that, the manager can recruit trainers with the skills and expertise that is needed in temporary employees during high workload and peak season of the company. By doing planning in advance, will help the company to find out the quantity of trainers and the skills that are needed to reach the desired target and manage workload.

Creating a flexible working schedule:

The HR manager of the company needs to generate a flexible working schedule for the trainers that will be based on allowing workers to work more hours during the load season and can take off during fewer workload days. A company can invest in talented trainers by giving them training about managing the workload efficiently.

Establish relationships with hiring agencies:

Another thing that can be very beneficial for the company would be building up and maintaining a strong relationship with the hiring agencies so that the company always have a temporary trainer on standby. As the business is based on providing e-learning materials for businesses, workload fluctuations are more frequent. To deal with this, the HR manager of the company can go for hiring part-time trainers as an extra hand during the workload season.

Creating cross-cultural awareness:

Now days, it has become the most important and critical task for organizations to operate outside their national boundaries. Companies need to practice the concepts of international human resource management to respond to twenty-first century cross-cultural needs. In international human resource management, the procedure for managing and communicating with people from all around the world has been analyzed, evaluated and implemented. The concept includes managing people from various cultural backgrounds (Brewster et al., 2005, pp. 198).

Problems in international human resource management:

There are certain issues that have a direct impact on domestic human resource management and other issues that have been affected by international human resource management practices. These issues include increasing trend towards globalization, the manipulation of cultural and environmental differences in different countries.

Environmental issues:

In order to manage global affairs, measures should be taken to manage global issues of multinational companies. Environmental issues can be defined as the differences in institution, policies, regulations, markets and other factors of one country from another. For instance, collective bargaining coverage is higher in Western Europe than in other countries of the world like Canada, Japan and Unites states.

Cultural differences:

In addition to environmental differences, there are certain cultural factors that have an impact in responding to cross-cultural needs. There are certain areas in human resource that may be impacted by national culture. These areas include decision-making with respect to becoming an effective manager, face to face feedback from customers and employees, willingness to accept and handle international clients and different organizational structuring approaches (Hiltrop, 1995, pp. 153).

In order to make employees, specifically trainers, more aware about the needs of different countries, Hofstede model can be used that is derived in 1990. Hofstede defined culture as something collective efforts of people in an environment to build cultural values. It comprises of certain factors that differentiate one country from another. Four basic cultural dimensions have been identified in Hofstede cultural dimensions model, and these dimensions include masculinity versus femininity, uncertainty avoidance, individualism versus collectivism and power distance.

The main findings of the model conclude that there are identical patterns and similarities in the cultural values within a similar nation as compare to the cultural values among different countries........................................

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