PITCHING RESEARCH Harvard Case Solution & Analysis




The most important thing that needs to be considered before making the design of the template is that it should be concise and to the point. It is very necessary for the researcher to assume that the “Pitchee” is a very busy person and he does not have spare time to go through the entire research model. They simply want to know the important ideas of your research. Therefore, the researcher needs to maintain a complete pitch of maximum of 2 pages, which includes all the important information about your research document.

The model starts with stating the pitcher’s identity such as ownership, which is very imperative. In addition to this, it covers the several necessary elements, which the reader wants to know such as (1) working title (2) question of research (3) The key paper and (4) motivation/ puzzle. The template item from (E to G) is explained below:

  1. (Item A), the first state of the PITCH template is to design the work title as it covers the entire research information therefore,it is necessary for the researchers to first gather the relevant information about it and then further proceed to it. Therefore, the working title should be perfectly shaped as it isthe reflection of your research topic.
  2. (Item B), the questions of research should be similar to the working title. The question must be asked as per the requirement of your research studies.
  3. (Item C), a satisfactorily deep attention within the pertinent literature is important to upcoming up with and confirming a high-quality research subject. The key research paper involves the filtering of literature review as it is the reflection of question which conducted by you in order to analyze the research.
  4. (Item D), the excellent approach for inspiring a document is dividing a significant and relevant “puzzle” which might be practiced in current market statistics that illustrate probing trends, model and real decision making...................

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